3 Way Lead Generation Methodology
Support Small Business!
It is the name of my business but to me so much more than just a name. It is a command.
I can rattle off the statistics and provide you with the evidence that the small business, the SME, is the backbone of our society. But that has been an overemphasised argument for many years. Mostly used by marketers to sell their ‘stuff’. Face it we all know that if we can assist all the small businesses to be successful the results will be even beyond comprehension.
What is more important is to fully understand how? How do we support the small business of today in a world where online presence is key but also a very busy market?
The answer lies in the formula.
The formula for business growth, any business of any size, of any industry is Leads! Want to grow your business, grow your leads! Want to increase profit margins, increase leads! Want to double your business in 3 months, double your leads.
It is that simple!
It just works!
And that is what Support Small Business, my company does. That is how we support the small business of today – we provide the small business, the SME with online leads!
Different to the norm we offer more than just websites, SEO, social media marketing and other online marketing disciplines to market your business. We focus our efforts on providing our clients with what matters most! You got it – LEADS!
Our 3 Way Lead Generation Methodology:
- Passive Lead Generation – This requires patience, commitment, dedication and persistence. We call it our Core Content service. It is content marketing with a huge difference whereby we write with you and not just for you. Our system affords us the opportunity that the client can provide input. They can ask the copywriter to change the tone, the message, the facts online – without a meeting, emailing or phoning! This saves a huge amount of time in the production of the content which ensures that we can publish in record time. We create 30 monthly social posts, articles and blogs for our clients that focus on education and providing information. Being wordsmiths, we ensure that we educate our clients’ audiences on the problems identified. But also what solutions are offered with their product or services offerings. All our content follows the AIDA marketing method and even with a 280 character social post, you will recognise the pattern of Attention, Interest, Desire and Action.
- Active Lead Generation – While our clients patiently wait for the content to attract their ideal clients we actively generate leads daily – on LinkedIn! Our LinkedIn Managed Services for lead generation is a daily three-step process namely Growth, Nurture and Engage! There is no social media platform richer, more saturated with your ideal client than LinkedIn, with the added advantage that they are visible and can be found easily – if you know how, and we do! We can with great confidence say that we provide our clients with 15 plus hot, laser targeted, ready to buy leads every month.
- Collaborative Lead Generation – The cost, in time, effort and money, of designing, developing, maintaining and managing websites with SEO, content marketing, social media marketing and email marketing is huge. The small business owner and the SME do not have the resources, the skill and mostly the time to set up marketing departments to manage all these. Most small business owner will choose to, in error, omit some or all of these to save time, effort or money. We offer the Infoguide Platform, a business directory focused on providing accurate and audited information, but more so a collaborative platform. Within Infoguide all work together towards the success of each other’s business. All online marketing is done, and businesses listed can network with each other similar to the activities of a business chamber – just online! Infoguide provides an online platform where the small business can operate within advance digital marketing like a corporate company. Infoguide as a service is this popular as we combine online marketing with referral marketing with collaborative marketing – genius! The small business lists their business network with the other businesses also listed on the Infoguide website, while we take care of all the digital marketing needed to generate leads online.
It is not about having a website or a blog or a Facebook page. It is not even about engaging in online marketing disciplines. It is all about generating Leads consistently!
To grow your business you need leads, and everything you do every day in your business should be to achieve that!
To Support the Small Business means to provide lead generation solutions!
We provide the small business, the SME with online leads!